
Friday, February 07, 2025 | 5:04:16 PM

Proprietary -vs- Clone

Proprietary computers come from major manufacturers (we won’t mention any names… but just about everything sold in department stores or companies who do national advertising on TV… These companies all have their own inside engineers who design computers with one thing in mind... manufacturing costs. In the process of doing so, they do not follow the ISO (International Standard Organization) universal architechture codes for what a computer is supposed to be.

The ISO has standards and universal architecture codes for the way a computer should be built so as to not create conflicts and compatibility issues as well as maintain the integrity of performance and reliability. Usually proprietary systems have all the individual components such as video, sound, fax, etc. integrated into one board, and usually only that company’s motherboards fit in their cases. One advantage of owning a clone is that when you do need to have a clone fixed it does not require you to have to return it to the original manufacture because any certified technician can work on a clone but few of them are experts with a particular model number of a particular manufacturer.

Another advantage of a custom built clone is that they always benchmark faster than proprietary systems using the same speed processor, they do not require special software, drivers or special versions of Microsoft Windows to operate. When it comes time to upgrade, you can simply swap out a motherboard and CPU chip and keep all of your other peripherals such as sound card, video card, hard drives, ROM drives, etc. Technically this makes proprietary computers disposable.

These manufacturers who mass produce department store and mail order computers take advantage of uneducated consumers. Now that you have been educated, no matter where you buy your next computer... always buy custom built clones using premium parts built by professionals who understand the difference.

For those who are shopping and have costs concerns: on average, a custom built clone is usually between 5 - 10% more expensive than a proprietary system. When you do the math you are not really saving any money considering the consequences of having to deal with these companies when there is a problem... not to mention the cost difference does not justify itself when you consider performance and reliability. How much money do you save when your computer is having to be repaired all the time? How much money do you save in the time lost in performance?

Apogee Computer Technologies uses the best premium parts available and we specialize our builds for compatibility, performance and reliability.

Apogee Computer Technologies uses Intel Processors & motherboards, NVidia & AMD Video, MSI Video & motherboards, and Western Digital Hard Drives because we want our customers

to have the very best!

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